An old song from the vaults of the esteemed Benjamin Franklin. ___________________________________________ The Antediluvians Were All Very Sober The Antediluvians were all very sober For they had no Wine, and they brewed no October; All wicked, bad Livers, on Mischief still thinkinga For there can't be good Living where there is not good drinking, Derry Down 'Twas honest old Noah first planted the Vine, And mended his Morals by drinking its Wine; He justly the drinking of Water decried; For he knew that all Mankind, by drinking it, died. Derry Down From this Piece of History's plainly we find That Water's good neither for Body or Mind; That Virtue and Safety in Wine-bibbing's found While all that drink Water deserved to be drowned. Derry down So For Safety and Honesty put the Glass round. __________________________________________ Antediluvians: Existing before the flood (the Noachian deluge) recorded in Genesis; relating to the times or events before the Noa...