In his writings "The Prince", Niccolo Machiavelli prescribes a remedy for combating flattery in the court. Seeking council in a small group of ministers followed by meditation in private to protect ones self from ruin.
"For there is no other way to guard yourself against flattery than by making men understand that by telling you the truth they will not injure you.
But when anyone can tell you the truth, you lose respect.
Therefore, a prudent prince should follow a third course, electing wise men for his state and giving only them permission to speak truthfully to him, and only on such matters as he asks them about and not on other subjects.
But he should ask them about everything and should listen to their opinions, and afterwards he should deliberate by himself in his own way.
And in such councils, and with each of his ministers, he should conduct himself in such a way that all will realize that the more freely they speak, the more they will please him.
Apart from these, he should refuse to listen to anyone else, pursue his goals directly, and be obstinate in the decisions he has taken.
Anyone who does otherwise either comes to ruin because of the flatterer, or keeps changing his mind in the face of different opinions; resulting in a low estimation of his worth."
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